Player Policies
Commitment to Inclusion and Diversity
- City Community Tennis is committed to providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive sporting environment for everyone regardless of their differences. As a member affiliate of Tennis Australia and Tennis NSW we support and implement the Tennis Australia policies for Inclusion and Diversity. We are proud to promote equitable opportunities in tennis for players who are Transgender, Gender Diverse or Non-Binary.
Anti-Discrimination and Harassment
- City Community Tennis aims to provide a sport environment where all those involved in its activities are treated with dignity and respect, and without harassment or discrimination.
- City Community Tennis recognises that all those involved in its activities cannot enjoy themselves, perform to their best, or be effective or fully productive if they are being treated unfairly, discriminated against or harassed because of their age, disability, family responsibilities, gender identity, homosexuality or sexual orientation, irrelevant medical or criminal record, marital status, political belief, pregnancy or breastfeeding, race, religion, sex, social origin and/or trade union membership/activity.
- City Community Tennis prohibits all forms of harassment and discrimination based on personal characteristics.
- Discrimination and harassment are extremely distressing, offensive, humiliating and/or threatening and create an uncomfortable and unpleasant environment.
- In most circumstances discrimination and harassment are against the law. If any person feels they are being harassed or discriminated against by another person or organisation bound by this policy, please refer to our Dispute Policy. This will explain what to do about the behaviour and how City Community Tennis will deal with the problem.
Sexual Relationships
- City Community Tennis takes the view that intimate relationships (whether or not of a sexual nature) between coaches and players, while not necessarily constituting harassment, can have harmful effects on the individual player involved, on other players and on the sport’s public image. Such relationships may be perceived to be exploitative because there is usually a disparity between coaches and players in terms of authority, maturity, status and dependence. Given there is always a risk that the relative power of the coach has been a factor in the development of such relationships, they should be avoided by coaches at all levels. In the event that a player attempts to initiate an intimate relationship, the coach must take personal responsibility for discouraging such approaches, explaining the ethical basis for such actions. The law is always the minimum standard for behaviour within City Community Tennis and therefore sex with a child is a criminal offence.
- City Community Tennis is committed to providing an inclusive sporting environment for pregnant women involved in its activities. City Community Tennis expects everyone bound by this policy to treat pregnant women with dignity and respect and to remove any unreasonable barriers to participation in our sport that disadvantage them.
- We will not tolerate any unlawful discrimination or harassment against pregnant women or women who may become pregnant. If any person feels they are being harassed or discriminated against by another person or organisation bound by this policy, please refer to our Dispute Policy. This will explain what to do about the behaviour and how City Community Tennis will deal with the problem.
- While many sporting activities are safe for pregnant women to participate in, there may be particular risks that apply to some women during pregnancy. Those risks will depend on the nature of the particular sporting activity and the particular pregnant woman’s circumstances.
- City Community Tennis will take reasonable care to ensure the safety, health and well being of pregnant women and their unborn children. We will advise pregnant women that there may be risks involved, and encourage them to obtain medical advice about those risks. Pregnant women should be aware that their own health and wellbeing, and that of their unborn children, are of utmost importance in their decision making about the extent and manner in which they participate in our sport.
- We encourage all pregnant women to consult with their medical advisers, make themselves aware of the facts about pregnancy in sport, and ensure that they make informed decisions about participation in particular sporting activities.
Gender Identity
- City Community Tennis is committed to providing an inclusive sporting environment where transgender or transsexual people involved in its activities are able to contribute and participate. City Community Tennis expects everyone who is bound by this policy to treat people who identify as transgender or transsexual fairly and with dignity and respect. This includes acting with sensitivity and respect where a person is undergoing gender transition. We will not tolerate any unlawful discrimination or harassment against a person who identifies as transgender or transsexual or who is thought to be transgender or transsexual.
- If any person feels they are being harassed or discriminated against by another person or organisation bound by this policy, please refer to our Dispute. This will explain what to do about the behaviour and how City Community Tennis will deal with the problem.
- City Community Tennis recognises that the exclusion of transgender or transsexual people from participation in sporting events has significant implications for their health, well-being and involvement in community life. In general City Community Tennis will facilitate transgender or transsexual persons participating in our sport of the sex with which they identify. City Community Tennis also recognises there is debate over whether a male to female transgender person obtains any physical advantage over other female participants. This debate is reflected in the divergent discrimination laws across the country. If issues of performance advantage arise, City Community Tennis will seek advice on the application of those laws in the particular circumstances.
- All complaints will be dealt with promptly, seriously, sensitively and confidentially. Any person may report a complaint about a person/s or organisation bound by this policy if they reasonably believe that a person/s or a sporting organisation has breached this policy. A complaint should be reported to the Centre Manager and the Director of City Community Tennis. A complaint may be reported as an informal or formal complaint. The complainant decides whether the complaint will be dealt with informally or formally unless the Director considers that the complaint falls outside the parameters of this policy and would be better dealt with another way.
- We value customer feedback and will aim to respond to all feedback, requests or complaints in a timely manner. See our customer contact page for more details or visit our head office at the Prince Alfred Park tennis courts, Surry Hills to submit a Customer Feedback paper form in person.
- In many cases, complaints can be resolved by agreement between the people involved with no need for disciplinary action or formal intervention. The people involved in a formal complaint are free to also seek the assistance of a neutral third person or a mediator. Mediation may occur either before or after an investigation of a complaint. If a complainant wishes to try and resolve the complaint with the assistance of a mediator, City Community Tennis, in consultation with the complainant, arranges for a mediator to mediate the complaint.
Vexatious Complaints and Victimisation
- City Community Tennis aims to ensure our complaints procedure has integrity and is free of unfair repercussions or victimisation. If at any point in the complaint process the Director considers that a complainant has knowingly made an untrue complaint or the complaint is vexatious or malicious, the matter may be referred to the relevant authority for appropriate action which may include disciplinary action against the complainant. City Community Tennis will also take all necessary steps to make sure that people involved in a complaint are not victimised by anyone for coming forward with a complaint or for helping to sort it out. Disciplinary measures will be imposed on anyone who victimises another person for making a complaint.
It is a breach of our policies for any person or organisation to have:
- Done anything contrary to our Terms of Service or policies.
- Breached the Code of Conduct.
- Brought the sport and City Community Tennis into disrepute.
- Failed to follow City Community Tennis policies and procedures for the protection, safety and welfare of children.
- Appointed or continued to appoint a person to a role that involves working with children and young people contrary to this policy.
- Discriminated against or harassed any person.
- Victimised another person for reporting a complaint.
- Engaged in a sexually inappropriate relationship with a person that the person supervises, or has influence, authority or power over.
- Disclosed to any unauthorised person or organisation any City Community Tennis information that is of a private, confidential or privileged nature.
- Made a complaint they knew to be untrue, vexatious, malicious or improper.
- Failed to comply with a penalty imposed after a finding that the individual or organisation has breached this policy.
- Failed to comply with a direction given to the individual or organisation during the discipline process.
Dispute Resolution and Discipline
City Community Tennis is committed to developing and maintaining an effective dispute resolution and discipline policy. We will aim to;
- Ensure that any disputes are resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity.
- Set up a dispute resolution process that is member focused and helps to address their concerns.
- Ensure consistency in response to any disputes or complaints.
- The Centre will follow the dispute and mediation procedures as set out in the Associations Incorporations Act (1981). This Act states the following; 1. The grievance procedure set out in this rule applies to disputes under these Rules between: a. a member/player and another member/player; or b. a member/player and the Association. 2. The parties to the dispute must meet and discuss the matter in dispute, and, if possible, resolve the dispute within 14 days after the dispute comes to the attention of all of the parties.
- A City Community Tennis representative will assist with the organisation of the initial meeting between the two parties and shall act as mediator for both parties, should the member(s) agree.
Forms of Discipline
If an individual or organisation to which this policy applies breaches this policy, one or more forms of discipline may be imposed. These may include making a verbal or written apology, paying a fine, being suspended or de-registered or having a person’s appointment or employment terminated.
Player Policies
Anti-Discrimination and Harassment
- City Community Tennis aims to provide a sport environment where all those involved in its activities are treated with dignity and respect, and without harassment or discrimination.
- City Community Tennis recognises that all those involved in its activities cannot enjoy themselves, perform to their best, or be effective or fully productive if they are being treated unfairly, discriminated against or harassed because of their age, disability, family responsibilities, gender identity, homosexuality or sexual orientation, irrelevant medical or criminal record, marital status, political belief, pregnancy or breastfeeding, race, religion, sex, social origin and/or trade union membership/activity.
- City Community Tennis prohibits all forms of harassment and discrimination based on personal characteristics.
- Discrimination and harassment are extremely distressing, offensive, humiliating and/or threatening and create an uncomfortable and unpleasant environment.
- In most circumstances discrimination and harassment are against the law. If any person feels they are being harassed or discriminated against by another person or organisation bound by this policy, please refer to our Dispute Policy. This will explain what to do about the behaviour and how City Community Tennis will deal with the problem.
Sexual Relationships
- City Community Tennis takes the view that intimate relationships (whether or not of a sexual nature) between coaches and players, while not necessarily constituting harassment, can have harmful effects on the individual player involved, on other players and on the sport’s public image. Such relationships may be perceived to be exploitative because there is usually a disparity between coaches and players in terms of authority, maturity, status and dependence. Given there is always a risk that the relative power of the coach has been a factor in the development of such relationships, they should be avoided by coaches at all levels. In the event that a player attempts to initiate an intimate relationship, the coach must take personal responsibility for discouraging such approaches, explaining the ethical basis for such actions. The law is always the minimum standard for behaviour within City Community Tennis and therefore sex with a child is a criminal offence.
- City Community Tennis is committed to providing an inclusive sporting environment for pregnant women involved in its activities. City Community Tennis expects everyone bound by this policy to treat pregnant women with dignity and respect and to remove any unreasonable barriers to participation in our sport that disadvantage them.
- We will not tolerate any unlawful discrimination or harassment against pregnant women or women who may become pregnant. If any person feels they are being harassed or discriminated against by another person or organisation bound by this policy, please refer to our Dispute Policy. This will explain what to do about the behaviour and how City Community Tennis will deal with the problem.
- While many sporting activities are safe for pregnant women to participate in, there may be particular risks that apply to some women during pregnancy. Those risks will depend on the nature of the particular sporting activity and the particular pregnant woman’s circumstances.
- City Community Tennis will take reasonable care to ensure the safety, health and well being of pregnant women and their unborn children. We will advise pregnant women that there may be risks involved, and encourage them to obtain medical advice about those risks. Pregnant women should be aware that their own health and wellbeing, and that of their unborn children, are of utmost importance in their decision making about the extent and manner in which they participate in our sport.
- We encourage all pregnant women to consult with their medical advisers, make themselves aware of the facts about pregnancy in sport, and ensure that they make informed decisions about participation in particular sporting activities.
Gender Identity
- City Community Tennis is committed to providing an inclusive sporting environment where transgender or transsexual people involved in its activities are able to contribute and participate. City Community Tennis expects everyone who is bound by this policy to treat people who identify as transgender or transsexual fairly and with dignity and respect. This includes acting with sensitivity and respect where a person is undergoing gender transition. We will not tolerate any unlawful discrimination or harassment against a person who identifies as transgender or transsexual or who is thought to be transgender or transsexual.
- If any person feels they are being harassed or discriminated against by another person or organisation bound by this policy, please refer to our Dispute. This will explain what to do about the behaviour and how City Community Tennis will deal with the problem.
- City Community Tennis recognises that the exclusion of transgender or transsexual people from participation in sporting events has significant implications for their health, well-being and involvement in community life. In general City Community Tennis will facilitate transgender or transsexual persons participating in our sport of the sex with which they identify. City Community Tennis also recognises there is debate over whether a male to female transgender person obtains any physical advantage over other female participants. This debate is reflected in the divergent discrimination laws across the country. If issues of performance advantage arise, City Community Tennis will seek advice on the application of those laws in the particular circumstances.
- All complaints will be dealt with promptly, seriously, sensitively and confidentially. Any person may report a complaint about a person/s or organisation bound by this policy if they reasonably believe that a person/s or a sporting organisation has breached this policy. A complaint should be reported to the Centre Manager and the Director of City Community Tennis. A complaint may be reported as an informal or formal complaint. The complainant decides whether the complaint will be dealt with informally or formally unless the Director considers that the complaint falls outside the parameters of this policy and would be better dealt with another way.
- We value customer feedback and will aim to respond to all feedback, requests or complaints in a timely manner. See our customer contact page for more details or visit our head office at the Prince Alfred Park tennis courts, Surry Hills to submit a Customer Feedback paper form in person.
- In many cases, complaints can be resolved by agreement between the people involved with no need for disciplinary action or formal intervention. The people involved in a formal complaint are free to also seek the assistance of a neutral third person or a mediator. Mediation may occur either before or after an investigation of a complaint. If a complainant wishes to try and resolve the complaint with the assistance of a mediator, City Community Tennis, in consultation with the complainant, arranges for a mediator to mediate the complaint.
Vexatious Complaints and Victimisation
- City Community Tennis aims to ensure our complaints procedure has integrity and is free of unfair repercussions or victimisation. If at any point in the complaint process the Director considers that a complainant has knowingly made an untrue complaint or the complaint is vexatious or malicious, the matter may be referred to the relevant authority for appropriate action which may include disciplinary action against the complainant. City Community Tennis will also take all necessary steps to make sure that people involved in a complaint are not victimised by anyone for coming forward with a complaint or for helping to sort it out. Disciplinary measures will be imposed on anyone who victimises another person for making a complaint.
It is a breach of our policies for any person or organisation to have:
- Done anything contrary to our Terms of Service or policies.
- Breached the Code of Conduct.
- Brought the sport and City Community Tennis into disrepute.
- Failed to follow City Community Tennis policies and procedures for the protection, safety and welfare of children.
- Appointed or continued to appoint a person to a role that involves working with children and young people contrary to this policy.
- Discriminated against or harassed any person.
- Victimised another person for reporting a complaint.
- Engaged in a sexually inappropriate relationship with a person that the person supervises, or has influence, authority or power over.
- Disclosed to any unauthorised person or organisation any City Community Tennis information that is of a private, confidential or privileged nature.
- Made a complaint they knew to be untrue, vexatious, malicious or improper.
- Failed to comply with a penalty imposed after a finding that the individual or organisation has breached this policy.
- Failed to comply with a direction given to the individual or organisation during the discipline process.
Dispute Resolution and Discipline
City Community Tennis is committed to developing and maintaining an effective dispute resolution and discipline policy. We will aim to;
- Ensure that any disputes are resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity.
- Set up a dispute resolution process that is member focused and helps to address their concerns.
- Ensure consistency in response to any disputes or complaints.
- The Centre will follow the dispute and mediation procedures as set out in the Associations Incorporations Act (1981). This Act states the following; 1. The grievance procedure set out in this rule applies to disputes under these Rules between: a. a member/player and another member/player; or b. a member/player and the Association. 2. The parties to the dispute must meet and discuss the matter in dispute, and, if possible, resolve the dispute within 14 days after the dispute comes to the attention of all of the parties.
- A City Community Tennis representative will assist with the organisation of the initial meeting between the two parties and shall act as mediator for both parties, should the member(s) agree.
Forms of Discipline
If an individual or organisation to which this policy applies breaches this policy, one or more forms of discipline may be imposed. These may include making a verbal or written apology, paying a fine, being suspended or de-registered or having a person’s appointment or employment terminated.